Welcome Back/Updates

Greetings NEA-Jurupa Family,


Welcome back! I hope that you all had a restful winter break and were able to unplug and unwind. Wishing you a great first day/week back!



As we begin the second half of school year, we are still in a “holding” pattern as to where the rest of the school year will lead us. We are still working under the attached MOU, which expires at the end of this school year.


Reminder re: Asynchronous Time

  • You may invite students to continue their learning in a synchronous session during the afternoon.
  • You also may use this time to support individual students or groups of students who need support.
  • You should not extend your synchronous class period for the entire class during this time.
  • You and your students both need time to complete necessary work.


A lot has happened over the last three weeks and there are still way more questions than answers. As more clear cut information comes, that will be shared with you.



January 11, 2021: Open Public Session – 6:10 p.m.

Join Meeting: https://youtu.be/19kFBkuS1ho


PUBLIC COMMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Public comments will be accepted online, the link will open one hour prior to the start of Closed Session (4:00 p.m.), the comments link will close at the beginning of the public verbal comments period.  A staff member will facilitate the reading of public comment submissions, consistent with the direction of the Board during “Public Comments.”


Public Comment Submission Form: https://forms.gle/15EpDSbPo93kXfQR6


Here are some additional events/resources that might interest you:


NEA Town Hall about COVID-19 Vaccines (Tomorrow afternoon)

Upcoming CTA Conferences (including CTA Issues Conference this weekend)

University Credit Opportunities from CTA

Free Teacher Self-Care Conference

HRC Time to Thrive Conference (free)

Teachers Teaching Teachers Spring Event (free)

IChill App (from Trauma Resource Center)

Virtual Calming Room

EdSource Article on Governor’s Budget Proposal

NEA Representative Assembly Declaration of Candidacy Form (for anyone wishing to go as a State Delegate)



Best to all of you and your loved ones. Please continue to stay safe and well.



In Unity-


Wendy Eccles 🙂

NEA-Jurupa President

Office Phone: 951-681-7997, Google Voice: 951-643-4076

Non-district email: president@neaj.org 

Website: www.neaj.org 

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Pronouns: She/Her/Hers



“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together“- African Proverb









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