Happy Tuesday! Hopefully you had a restful Presidents’ Day Weekend. I apologize in advance for the long email and multiple attachments, we all get bombarded and really have to pick and choose what we read! Included in the attachments are resources regarding Special Education, MTSS, and JUSD’s PICO (website link) program. We will be working on getting these resources uploaded to the neaj.org website as well.
I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you the tomorrow is Association Day and as always we encourage you to wear #RedForEd in support of NEA-Jurupa and Public Education. Please feel free to share any pictures with us as we have a new Instagram account. You can follow us at: neajurupa. Our Member Engagement/Organizing Committee is also working on getting a new Facebook page up and running.
Listed below are upcoming events/opportunities (pdf files are attached to the bottom of this page)
Additionally, NEA-Jurupa’s Executive Board approved for members to attend the following conference: San G Social Justice and Cultural Equity on Saturday April 18th at the Mission Inn (20 members). This is an excellent opportunity to network and learn about social justice from other local leaders. Dolores Huerta will be the keynote speaker on Saturday. Please email me if you are interested in more information or in attending this awesome event!
• Tonight: JUSD School Board Meeting @Ed Center at 6:00. We encourage you to attend!
• Monday, March 9th: JUSD School Board Meeting @Ed Center at 6:00.
• Wednesday, March 11th: Representative Council @NEA-Jurupa Office at 3:45.
• Wednesday, March 18th: CALSTRS Workshop @NEA-Jurupa at 3:45. More information to come.
• Saturday, March 21st: CTA San Bernardino RRC (AKA San G) Bootcamp @CTA San Bernardino from 9:00-3:00. This is a free training series. Please see attached flyer for QR code.
https://www.cta.org/taxfairness. If you haven’t signed a petition to put SCF on the November Ballot, please consider doing so. You can check with your site representatives for more information.
“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” – Frederick Douglass
Wishing you a great week and hope to see you at the School Board Meeting or the School Safety Training! Thank you for all that you do! You are greatly appreciated