NEA-Jurupa Bargaining Update

Good evening NEA-Jurupa unit members, 


Your bargaining team has been diligently working throughout the year to gather input from the membership, collate and refine bargainable issues, and synthesize the input into improvements to our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Wednesday, we gathered for the first time with the bargaining team from the district to begin the negotiations process.  The teams were able to meet and become acquainted with one another, share our goals for the negotiations process, and begin discussing specific language regarding Article VI Safety. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 8th. Thank you for all your valuable input into the process and your support of the team’s efforts going forward! 



Your NEA-Jurupa Bargaining Team 


Diana Castelo 

Amber Geldien 

Kelly Mcardle 

David O’Rafferty 

Daniel Schaefer 

Jessica Schmidt 


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