Greetings NEA-Jurupa family,
Happy Friday and Happy Labor Day Weekend!
Again, I’d like to give out a huge shout out and THANK YOU to all of you for everything you do each and every day for your colleagues, students, and the community at large. The beginning of the school year is always chaotic, but never have we ever experienced anything quite like this.
There continue to be a multitude of concerns and questions specifically about COVID protocols and Sub Shortages. I have my monthly standing meeting with Dr. Hansen and Contract Management meeting next Wednesday. I will continue to share the concerns/questions that come in and try to address/resolve as quickly as possible.
As per usual, my apologies in advance for the looonnnggg email.
COVID Protocols:
The District is required to follow all COVID protocols outlined by CDPH. I have shared with them the myriad of concerns about reporting potential exposure to staff. ALL Potential Exposure notifications will come from [email protected].
A few points to note based on my conversations with the District:
- The Dashboard is being updated daily, but not instantaneously. Please remember that it on a 14-day window and the numbers will reflect the window of time.
- Letters of Potential Exposure sent to staff do not reflect the number of cases, but rather the dates that positive cases that were determined to be on a given campus (that is why you may see a discrepancy between the number of letters you have received and what’s on the dashboard). I receive a copy of every single letter sent out and am keeping track.
- The vast majority of students who are “out” are not COVID positive and because they may have been deemed to be close contacts to another individual (either in or out of the school setting), they are directed to quarantine based on CDPH guidance.
Attached above is the most recent CTA Summary of State K-12 School Guidance for Masking, Isolation, and Quarantining. There are many relevant links in the document for folks who have additional questions or want access to more information. Also attached is the District’s COVID-19 Protocol and Notification document (was sent out by Daniel Brooks on August 2nd).
Vaccination Verification (copied from Daniel Brooks’ email from August 24th):
- “The District is required to verify vaccine status of all employees (this includes those who work at sites and facilities that are not schools, such as the District Office, etc.).
- By October 1, all fully vaccinated employees should submit verification of their vaccine status to the Human Resources office either electronically (via email) or in person. A copy will be kept in a confidential file in the Human Resources office.
- Vaccine verification can be emailed to: [email protected]. (you will get email confirmation of receipt)
- Fully vaccinated employees are those for whom two or more weeks have passed after their second dose of a two-dose vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna) or two weeks or more after a single-dose vaccine (Johnson & Johnson)
- The following documents are acceptable for verification:
- Covid-19 Vaccination Record Card which includes name of person vaccinated, type of vaccine provided and date last dose administered
- A photo of a Vaccination Record Card as a separate document
- A photo of the Vaccination Record Card stored on a phone or electronic device (photo will need to be provided to the District)
- Documentation of Covid-19 vaccination from a health care provider
- Those who are unvaccinated, not fully vaccinated, or who do not provide verification of vaccination will be required to participate in weekly screening tests.
- Test results must be received by the District by Friday (4:00 p.m.) of each week for the following work week.
- The first Friday by which test results must be submitted is Friday, October 8.
- Those who do not provide test results will not be able to provide service. These employees may request special leave unpaid.”
Balancing of Classes:
Now that we are past the 20th day of instruction, class sizes should reflect no more than the contractual max. It’s also important to note that at TK-3, the class size average at the school site must be 24-1 per Ed Code 42238.02.
Article VIII Class Size, Section 2- Class Size Maximums (unless changed as provided under Section 1 – 9 Initial Class Size, subsection D). This can be found beginning on pg 42/43 of contract.
- On the 20th day of instruction, the following class maximums at elementary schools shall not be exceeded. After that date, the following class maximums in elementary schools shall not be exceeded for more than five (5) consecutive days. On the first day of the fourth complete week of instruction, the following class maximums at middle school and high schools shall not be exceeded. After that date, the following class maximums at middle school and high schools shall not be exceeded for more than five (5) consecutive days. Class counts shall exclude a teacher’s student aide(s). These limits will be interpreted as averages for teacher-student ratio in open-space buildings, driver education classes, team- teaching assignments, and 21 large-group instruction situations.
- Elementary (K-3) 32 (4-6) 34
- Middle School (7-8) 35
- Comprehensive High School (9-12) 36
PSL Pages:
Questions have come up again about the specific requirements. You are required to have a PSL page as a “digital landing” spot. You are required to provide assignments (meaning list them). You are NOT required to create digital assignments or run a concurrent/virtual classroom. Paper/pencil assignments are perfectly fine.
Short-Term Independent Study:
Unless a parent specifically requests an Independent Study Contract, absent students will be marked as excused. For assignments, you just need to refer them to your PSL page.
Sub Shortages:
We know that sub shortages and the need to do class/period coverage has increased exponentially. If you are providing coverage, please keep track and if no blue time card is offered (my blue time card was always attached to the yellow one), please let your site rep or me know immediately. Here is the contract language:
Article VII, Hours of Duty, Section P (p 31 in contract)
No unit member shall be required to substitute without extra compensation. Substitution assigned will be at the basic certificated hourly rate. In cases of emergency, period and/or partial day substitution shall be kept at a minimum and distributed equitably among available unit members with volunteers given first consideration. A unit member shall not be required to substitute at a school site or location that is not part of his/her regular assignment except under exigent circumstances. In case of regularly scheduled school or district events, period and/or partial day substitution shall be assigned by management from available volunteers. If volunteers are unavailable, assignments will be made by management on a rotational basis. Nurses, Psychologists, and Speech and Language Pathologists shall be excluded from such assignments. There shall be a uniform system at each site for the compensation of substitution which shall include time cards signed by the administrator and unit member. Each site shall maintain an up-to-date log of such substitutions.
Unfortunately, sub shortages are an issue across the state. The district is working to hire subs as quickly as they can. Here is an EdSource article that discusses the statewide sub shortage and impacts on school districts.
You may have also seen that the District has flown additional teaching positions and many of the subs are covering those classes until teachers are hired.
Other Updates:
- Wednesday, September 8th: Rep Council meeting at 3:45 via Zoom. The Tentative Agenda is attached above. Please try to get your concerns to your site reps, area directors, or me before Wednesday so I can address with the district prior to the meeting. Having the information in writing helps to provide context when in discussions.
- Monday, September 13th: JUSD School Board Meeting at 6:00 at the Ed Center.
- Wednesday, September 15th: CTA Financial Wellness Webinar at 4:00 via Zoom. You can use the QR Code here to register!
- CTA Fall IPD and Mental Health Webinars are available for any interested member. Information is attached above.
- CTA Conference Schedule. There are several upcoming Virtual Conferences including the Fall Special Education Conference and New Educators Weekend. Both are highly recommended and are free to active members!!!
Phew, that was long… for now, please enjoy your much deserved and needed three-day weekend. And make sure to take care of yourselves, find time to rejuvenate and relax, to unplug and unwind. My doctor has told me on several occasions, “If we don’t take care of ourselves, we’re no good to anybody else…”
Best to all of you and your loved ones. Please continue to stay safe and well!
In Unity-
Wendy Eccles 🙂
NEA-Jurupa President
Office Phone: 951-681-7997, Google Voice: 951-643-4076
Non-district email: [email protected]
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Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together“- African Proverb
CTA Mission Statement: * The California Teachers Association exists to protect and promote the well-being of its members; to improve the conditions of teaching and learning; to advance the cause of free, universal, and quality public education; to ensure that the human dignity and civil rights of all children and youth are protected; and to secure a more just, equitable, and democratic society.*