Happy Friday (or at least I think it’s Friday, the days just sort of blend together)!! I hope this email finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. Here’s hoping that this week has been a little less stressful for you all and that you’re finding your “groove” during these unprecedented times.
A couple of questions have come up this week that need some clarification. And for many things there are still more questions than answers.
1. ) Elementary Grading: The district still has not come to a decision. I have shared input that I have received from many of you and have been advocating for NG based on what’s been shared. I also know that many members have reached out to Site Admin, Rosa, and/or Dave with their suggestions. Please continue to do so.
2.) Secondary Grading: Baseline grades for credit/no credit should be based on S2, P1 marks. Anything students have turned in after the marking period should serve only to improve student grades.
3.) Admin asking to be “invited” to direct contact sessions: Yes, admin can (and probably will) request invites. It would be no different (although completely different), than them popping into a classroom for a visit. In accordance with the MOU, you should be providing your availability/schedule by Monday mornings.
4.) Plans for next year/budgets: This is up in the air, as things change on an almost daily basis. The state has not yet given any specifics as to how the school year will start. There have been suggestions about modified days/schedules, a blended environment, continued distance learning, etc. Please be assured that any changes to our working conditions are subject to negotiations and the Association will continue to advocate for best practices for our members and students. In regards to budgets, we have no information from the state yet, so we do not know what funding will look like for next year. Again, any potential cuts that could impact our members are subject to negotiations. Any suggestions or any “implied” cuts that site admin may have shared with you are both premature and inaccurate. The district has assured me that they have not stated anything to imply such statements at their principals’ meetings and will clarify such statements.
5.) Access to sites/classrooms: In accordance with the Riverside County Office of Public Health, schools are to be closed until June 19th. Unless, you have “immediate” needs to access your classroom and gather belongings, access will most likely be denied. For members who have either resigned or are retiring, we will work you on getting access to your classrooms/offices.
Click here for the nomination form for “Rep of the Year”. Your NEA-Jurupa site reps work tirelessly to advocate and problem solve for our members and students. Please consider nominating yours. Although, things look different right now, we want to make sure to honor our reps for their ongoing hard work and dedication. Nomination forms are due by Monday, May 4th. Please email forms to Stacey Goldberg at sgoldberg@neaj.org. We will be honoring our Reps of the Year at our “virtual” Rep Council meeting on May 13th.
Deadline to submit applications for our NEA-Jurupa Scholarships is Friday, May 1st. Click here for the application and here for the instructions/information.
CTA is again providing a weekly series of Professional Development Opportunities. Please consider supporting our fellow unit member, Kelly McArdle from JVHS, on Thursday, April 30th, as she will be leading the session, “Support for Students”, Using Universal Design for Learning to Support Success for All Students. You can register for any of the sessions at the either of the following links: CTA IPD or Instructional Leadership Corps.
Today I leave you with some inspiration and laughter!
Thank you all for being AMAZING each and every day, and for going above and beyond for your students! You are truly appreciated! I hope you have a relaxing and restful weekend.
Please feel free to reach out to me, your site reps, or area directors should you have any questions or concerns.
Best to you and your loved ones and please stay well!!