Greetings NEA-Jurupa Family,
Happy May Day! It feels strange that we are already in May, but here we are in the final stretch of the most insane school year ever. More than anything, hang in there, you are doing great!
Here are a few pieces of information for you:
Our amazing CTA President, Toby Boyd, has a “Story time with Toby” video reading “Grumpy Monkey”. Your students may really enjoy this story!
Click here to see the response that CTA put out in response to the Governor’s statements earlier this week.
Check out the unveiling of the new website.
NPR article on How Schools Will Look Different When (and if) They Reopen.
Providing Input to California Recovery Roadmap. Please consider filling this out. Educators voices need to be heard.
Access to CTA provided webinars.
Consider reaching out to your member of Congress and ask to provide funding to help stabilize public education. Click here for more information.