Greetings NEA-Jurupa Family,
I hope that you had a great three-day weekend! Looking forward to this upcoming one too! Thank you for your continued compassion, empathy, grace, kindness, patience, and understanding. This “Grogu Van Gogh” was shared with me and brought some additional joy!
GRIEVANCE TRAINING TODAY AT 3:30: This is open to all members. If you are interested in learning about the grievance process and what constitutes a grievance, this is a great opportunity. It will be extremely helpful to site reps!!!
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Passcode: 908722
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RETURNING TO IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION: There are still more questions than answers in regard to returning to in-person instruction. The Riverside County case numbers/positivity rate continue to decline, which is great news. Until the board takes action (next meeting is 03/08), we will remain in distance learning. The newest state guidance allows for a phase-in of TK-6 once the cases are below 25/100K for five consecutive days. Mr. Duchon has stated on multiple occasions that if the board does take action, it would still take about six weeks until we can “officially” return. We will continue to update you as more information comes.
SRP: Last night at the school board meeting, the JUSD Board of Trustees voted to approve the SRP!!! Congrats to 42 of our members on your upcoming retirement!!! We thank you for your years of service
STATE TESTING: No decision has been made on whether testing will proceed. The State Board of Education is in favor of pursuing a testing waiver, but must wait until the new Secretary of Education (Miguel Cardona’s nomination was advanced by Senate committee, but still has not gone to the Senate for confirmation vote).
UPCOMING CONFERENCES: There is still time to register for New Educators Weekend (02/18-02/21) and Equity and Human Rights Conference (02/24-02/27). You can use this link to register. The conferences are FREE to all CTA members!
Pandemic fatigue is real. Anxiety, stress, and trauma are real. Please remember to practice self-care, to set boundaries, to take time for yourselves and your family, to unplug and unwind.
Thank you for all that you do on behalf of your colleagues, students, and community at-large. Best to you and your loved ones. Please continue to stay safe and well
In Unity-
Wendy Eccles
NEA-Jurupa President
Office Phone: 951-681-7997, Google Voice: 951-643-4076
Non-district email:
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Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together“- African Proverb